Showing 1–16 of 83 results
$638.0 Original price was: $638.0.$538.0Current price is: $538.0.
產地 蘇格蘭容量 1000 (ML)規格 單瓶年份 10 產品說明雅柏10年是一款具有複雜風味的單一麥芽威士忌,除了具有泥煤煙燻味之外,更能保有天然麥芽的甜味,創造出威士忌完美的平衡。非冷凝過濾(Non-Chilled Filter)保留住酒體的香氣與油脂,帶出更深層美妙的風味。微金黃色的酒液,密實的煙燻果香、泥煤結合了醒鼻的檸檬與萊姆,由黑巧克力包覆。
$980.0 Original price was: $980.0.$728.0Current price is: $728.0.
AN OA是以艾雷島上的The Oa半島來名命,它位於Port Ellen的西面。一如Ardbeg慣常的風格,這支酒是不帶年份(NAS)的作品,以46.8%酒精度裝樽,而且沒有用上冷凝裝樽。AN OA是一支混桶作品,它分別以全新烤過的橡木桶(處女桶?)、PX雪莉酒桶及first fill波本桶陳釀的原酒調配而成。這三種桶款都是極為吸引,而且Ardbeg過往也極少提及以以上三種酒桶陳釀的作品,雖然AN OA不是一支single cask/ cask strength,但AN OA這樣的混桶設定相信已令一眾Ardbeg迷都捺不住想一試。The first addition to Ardbeg’s ongoing range for a decade when introduced in 2017, An Oa is a combination of spirit aged in Pedro-Ximenez sherry casks and bourbon barrels. Married in a French-oak marrying vat, this is rounded and smoky with notes of toffee, aniseed,…
$848.0 Original price was: $848.0.$550.0Current price is: $550.0.
Young and intensely smoky, this is a dram untamed by age. Matured in ex-bourbon and Oloroso sherry casks, Wee Beastie is perfect for enjoying neat or as the mouth-watering main ingredient in a powerfully smoky cocktail. Non chill-filtered at 47.4%.
$1,350.0 Original price was: $1,350.0.$950.0Current price is: $950.0.
產地 蘇格蘭容量 700 (ML)規格 單瓶 產品說明Corryvreckan是歐洲最大也是全球第二大的漩渦,在塞爾提克神話傳說中非常著名,瀰漫著原始、富有吸引力的力量。深邃的琥珀色酒液,採用部份法國橡木桶陳年的雅柏原酒,初嚐的胡椒口感與如海藻般的爽脆嚼勁,接著充盈了滿口的濃縮咖啡、馥郁的黑醋栗、藍莓與櫻桃果香與八角茴香瀰漫著,在熟成中醞釀出誘人的辛香、奢渥的水果甜蜜調性。
$1,048.0 Original price was: $1,048.0.$800.0Current price is: $800.0.
雅柏Ardbeg Uigeadail,有著強勁尾韻的54.2%酒精濃度,它的名字取自於一座山丘湖,一座供應酒廠富含泥煤水源的湖,並以其深邃、豐富和煙燻的複雜特性聞名。 2003年發表的雅柏Ardbeg Uigeadail,名字取自蓋爾語,意指黑暗、神秘之地,普遍而言是艾雷島威士忌鑑賞家的最愛。漢密許托里(Hamish Torrie)繼續說道,「我們希望如此殊榮能引起世人對整個酒廠與其他酒款的關注,透過強勁尾韻、泥煤味與煙燻味所創造出的完美平衡口感,持續贏得全球各地愛好者的喜愛。」 吉姆莫瑞在他的2009版《威士忌聖經》中談到雅柏Ardbeg Uigeadail時是這麼說的,「從徹底的絲滑明亮,到多層次的味道所傳遞出的繁複,這樣的層級,全球僅有一隻手就可數完的釀酒廠可夢想達到此一境界。」
$650.0 Original price was: $650.0.$500.0Current price is: $500.0.
類 別:單一麥芽年 份:12年主要原料:麥芽/水產 區:Islay蘇格蘭艾雷島容 量:700ml酒精成份:43%製 造 商:卡爾里拉(Caol Ila)蒸餾廠 這是艾雷島不為人知的麥芽威士忌,比起其他艾雷威士忌來得輕盈而纖細,帶上一絲麥芽煙燻受到品飲家們高度的讚賞!從蒸餾間可以瞭望艾雷海峽那壯闊的景觀,海水被引進了熱交換器,用來冷卻冷凝器用水。這支酒在2004與2005年的是界葡萄酒與烈酒大賽(IWSC)中都獲得了金牌。顏色:淡麥稈色口感:像是煙燻鮮果般的味道, 迷人的煙燻香氣與各種可口的水果甜味不斷地挑逗味蕾,令人愉悅;加水稀釋出現淡淡的酸度、鹹度與甜度,與主要口味出現複雜且協調的平衡。香氣:宜人的柑橘系水果香與極具個性的煙燻香氣一同浮現,清新而開胃,加水稀釋後出現杏仁油與更鮮明的水果香氣以及繽紛的花香。尾韻:中等長度,煙燻隨著熱帶水果的香氣在喉間持續繚繞。餐酒搭配:這支酒的特色是清新,帶些舒適的水果味與平順的口感,淡淡的煙燻很適合配些鹽煎新鮮魚片,或是用鹽醃乾鮪魚片配上些馬鈴薯與紅椒沙拉,北歐煙燻鮭魚、希臘紅魚子沙拉、醋漬鯡魚卷、烤鰻魚、以及辣香腸等都很合適。 得獎記錄:2 0 1 5 International Whisky Competition 島嶼區最佳單一麥芽威士忌蘇格蘭威士忌大師評比金牌:2015 The Scotch Whisky Masters 12年以下最佳艾雷島威士忌國際烈酒競賽金牌:2009 International Spirits Challenge 12年以下最佳酒廠單一麥芽威士忌國際烈酒競賽金牌:2010 International Spirits Challenge 12年以下最佳酒廠單一麥芽威士忌國際烈酒競賽金牌:2014 International Spirits Challenge 12年以下最佳酒廠單一麥芽威士忌國際葡萄酒暨烈酒大賽金牌:2009 International
$1,458.0 Original price was: $1,458.0.$1,288.0Current price is: $1,288.0.
Caol Ila 卡爾里拉蘇格蘭 卡爾里拉 18年 艾雷 單一純麥威士忌Scotland Caol Ila 18 Year Old Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 商品簡介 國 別 : 蘇格蘭 Scotland 產 地 : 艾雷島 IslayWhiskyBIBLE: 80 pointsWhiskyFUN: 86 points酒 齡 : 18 Years Old類 別 : 單一純麥 Single Malt酒精度 : 43 %容 量 : 700 ML 香味-泥煤和海洋調相互交疊著呈現,橡木桶、煙燻味、起司和辛香料味打造出層次,些微的水果調也參雜其中。口感-以清爽的甜味和順滑的口感為開端,煙薰泥煤味展現出酒體的深度和繁複感,培根與水果的風味在舌間上留下了驚喜。後韻-清爽的菸草、泥煤和海洋風味,不冗長。
$4,800.0 Original price was: $4,800.0.$4,380.0Current price is: $4,380.0.
色澤:金色嗅覺:年輕橡木氣息,鋸木削,香草豆莢,糖漿,椰絲,奶油,成熟蘋果,淡淡的檀香木口感:口感舒服帶甜,椰子酒,綠茶,抹茶尾韻:中長,和諧的留下清新橡木口感三得利在宣布了停產旗下的響12年後,在新增了Hibiki- Japanese Harmony 之後, 更上一層增加了Master’s Select至少有10種麥芽及榖物交匯,陳年在5款不同類型的酒桶。在第三代調酒師及SHINGO TORII創始人曾孫監督,加上第四代首席調酒師福與伸二(SHINJI FUKUYO)培養下,融合出高貴和諧的淡淡山崎雪利桶特色,融合10種以上來自山崎、白州與知多酒廠原酒,含有世界知名的山崎雪莉桶威士忌。這款威士忌「響HIBIKI JAPANESE HARMONY」也可以說是融合日本諸多文化特色,100%日本風格的展現。將上述蒸餾廠的麥芽與榖類原酒調和,構成它圓潤豐富風味,另外將基底美國白橡木麥芽原酒、以及做為修飾的雪莉桶與日本水楢橡木桶原酒還有一些泥煤麥芽原酒,讓整體口感更豐富,而多層次的則是知多蒸餾廠榖類原酒。酒瓶獨特的24切面的設計是來自於24節氣的概念,瓶標則使用沒有過度裝飾的越前和紙,並印上書法字體「響」,這日本是著名的書法家荻野丹雪氏題字,傳達日本威士忌的世界觀。「響」的首席調酒師福井真二(Shinji Fukuyo)設想了味道和香氣的和諧,一個是純粹,且又能同時趕到復雜,卻又和諧,這是Hibiki調和的核心概念。
$7,880.0 Original price was: $7,880.0.$7,280.0Current price is: $7,280.0.
700ml ‧ 43% 以山崎白橡木桶貯藏之21年以上的純麥原酒為主,穀類原酒同樣也嚴選酒齡21年以上。以最卓越的調合技術和最奢華的原酒,呈現21年份極度豪華猶如交響樂般的和諧。 香味特徵:極富果香般甜美並且讓人聯想到花香的熟成香氣是最大特徵。口感極為滑順,讓人充份品味唯有21年酒齡才擁有的醇厚基味、高尚的濃郁口味以及深遠後味。 Tasting Note 色澤淺紅琥珀色 香氣果香與花香味 酒體中度 味覺果香般甜美,口感極為滑順 餘覺甜果香,花香味
$728.0 Original price was: $728.0.$580.0Current price is: $580.0.
A lovely blended whisky from Japan, created by Ichiro Akuto, the Japanese whisky extraordinaire. This particular gem is made with both malt and grain whisky from Japan as well as (possibly) some whisky from other countries too – the label describes it as “a worldwide blended whisky”. Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of…
$2,088.0 Original price was: $2,088.0.$1,680.0Current price is: $1,680.0.
Mizunara Wood Reserve Bottling NoteBottled in 2010, this was crafted by Ichiro Akuto, this is a vatting of various single malts which have been aged in Japanese Mizunara oak. It’s an incredible whisky, with loads of character from the Japanese oak. Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of MaltNose: Honeyed and toasty, sweet and…
$2,280.0 Original price was: $2,280.0.$1,650.0Current price is: $1,650.0.
Ichiro’s Malt Wine Wood Bottling NoteA “Pure Malt” (as the label says) whisky from the Ichiro’s Malt series, containing whisky from the closed Hanyu distillery and matured, vatted and bottled at the Chichibu distillery. This edition was given a finishing period in French wine casks.Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of MaltNose: Chocolate orange,…
$9,800.0 Original price was: $9,800.0.$8,880.0Current price is: $8,880.0.
Distillery: Karuizawa (軽井沢) Year: 12 years without box type: Single Malt Whisky barrel: Sherry Butt barrel number: N/A capacity: 700ml Country of origin: Japan Alcohol content: 40.0%
$4,090.0 Original price was: $4,090.0.$3,680.0Current price is: $3,680.0.
Kaoru barrels Jukuko and gorgeous ester incense. Taste, accompanied by a profound feeling reminiscent of leather and Pete, a slight woody is along with the subtle sweetness is tightening the aftertaste, followed by a pleasant afterglow. Ingredients: Malt Type: Blended Whiskey frequency: 43 degrees capacity: 700ml
$598.0 Original price was: $598.0.$498.0Current price is: $498.0.
Tarujuku whiskeys original taste enjoy, is a whiskey that commitment was jam-packed distillery. Sweet barrels Mature incense that spread in the clear taste is characterized. 700ML Alcohol: 50 degrees
$4,380.0 Original price was: $4,380.0.$3,880.0Current price is: $3,880.0.
“富士山麓 18年 調和威士忌”在Oloroso酒桶後熟的限量品。在富士山麓複雜且濃厚的味道中,能夠感覺到Oloroso酒桶特有的芳醇及水果風味,馥郁的韻味久久持續。敬請享用眺望世界遺產富士山的蒸餾廠的釀酒師傅用心釀造的一杯美酒。 Fuji-Sanroku 18 years old – Oloroso Sherry Cask Finish – Limited Edition – only 3.000 bottles! This perfectly balanced premium whisky was finished in Oloroso Sherry Casks. The bottle was sold only in Japan and was limited to 3.000 bottles which makes it very rare like other Japanese whiskies with age…