
Showing 33–48 of 86 results

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    Glenfiddich 21 Years old 700ml

    Original price was: $2,070.0.Current price is: $1,480.0.

    蘇格蘭 格蘭菲迪21年 單一純麥威士忌我們使用曾經裝填高級加勒比海蘭姆酒的木桶,作為釀造格蘭菲迪21年單一麥芽威士忌的最後一道程序。細節決定了一切。因為在我們的首席調酒師精選出來的特級珍藏桶中靜置了四個月,讓它增添了獨特而複雜的風味。 感受那馥郁的香草甜香,帶有一抹香蕉氣味的花香,接著是柔和而活潑的青檸、生薑和香料,以及複雜而極為綿長的餘韻。 我們最後所使用的蘭姆桶為這款21年單一麥芽威士忌注入了複雜而鮮明的層次,使得它有別於其它威士忌。 色澤: 暗金色聞香: 淡雅無花果花香、複雜熱帶水果與太妃糖香甜味,夾雜著雪茄與煙燻壇木氣息。口感: 由柔和至躍動活潑,轉而散發微辛胡椒香,淡淡煙燻味、橡木、青檸、生薑和香料味。餘韻: 非常綿長,溫潤,辛口而散發香料香。

  • Sale! Placeholder

    GLENLIVET NÀDURRA 16YO BOT.2013 70CL 56.1% OB – BATCH #0813Y

    Original price was: $1,250.0.Current price is: $1,150.0.

    BRAND / DISTILLERY GLENLIVET NàdurraAGE 16yoBOTTLED Bot.2013CL 70cl%ALC 56.1%BOTTLER OB -EXTRA INFO Batch #0813YNoseHoney, caramel, floral notes of a fresh flower meadow, mandarin, a touch of oak with a light herbal spiciness; softened with water, the alcohol recedes, malt, oak oatcakesTastestrong, flowery-sweet spice in which develops a pleasant sharpness. Again (Arkazien) honey, vanilla and pastry,…

  • Sale!

    Glenlivet Nadurra 16yo Oloroso OLO614

    Original price was: $1,180.0.Current price is: $899.0.

    70cl / 55.3%Speyside Single Malt Scotch WhiskyAge: 16 Year OldBottling Date: January 2014Country: ScotlandRegion: SpeysideCask Type: BourbonThe January 2014 batch of Glenlivet’s rightfully successful Nadurra, their cask strength, un-chillfiltered, simply matured ‘natural’ single malt. A look at the other, more raw side of whisky by one of the biggest producers in the world.

  • Sale!

    Glenmorangie Lasanta 12Yo 禮盒

    Original price was: $890.0.Current price is: $588.0.

    Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 years Old如果送禮給朋友,威士忌也非常受年輕一代品味之士歡迎。Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 years Old濃郁又具層次的酒體,來自於美國波旁威士忌橡木桶中陳釀,做到了非常柔滑的效果。再以手工挑選的Oloroso和Pedro Ximenez雪利酒桶製成這款單一麥芽威士忌,溫暖的香料與光滑的朱古力葡萄乾香氣,還有陣陣蜂蜜和焦糖拖肥氣味非常迷人。禮盒內容:格蘭傑12年PX雪莉桶 1支格蘭傑威杯1個,以及經典格蘭傑酒版1支 50mL 色澤:鼓舞人心的古銅金香氣: 溫暖香料混合口感平順的巧克力葡萄乾、蜂蜜和焦糖太妃糖。口感: 甜度美味的雪莉葡萄乾、柳橙、核桃與奶油相輔相成,創造出複雜的溫暖氣味。尾韻: 口感持續且令人滿意的成酒,帶有香料柳橙和巧克力榛子的香味。

  • Sale!

    Glenmorangie Milsean Private Edition

    Original price was: $1,490.0.Current price is: $1,250.0.

    格蘭傑Milsean(蘇格蘭蓋爾語意指「甜美的事物」,發音為「meel-shawn」),這支單一麥芽威士忌,充滿著濃郁糖漬水果風味,以及挑動味蕾的甘甜口感。其酒款是將格蘭傑酒液注入美國舊波本桶中進行陳年,然後在紅酒橡木桶中進行數年額外窖藏陳釀而成;烘烤過的紅酒橡木桶是為釀出最豐富的風味。此獨樹一格的窖藏陳釀過程將單一麥芽威士忌中最香醇甜美的風味保存了下來。在烘烤過的橡木桶進行額外窖藏陳釀的格蘭傑Milsean是具有高度創意的一支酒款,它的甜美、辛香調性帶有一份懷舊情調;將人捲入傳統糖果鋪架上飄散的甜蜜愉悅氣息。來自再烘烤過紅酒桶的豐沛、華麗甜美與辛辣氣息,濃郁而醇美的風味湧動著瀰漫而出。酸香的梅子、櫻桃、白芷與糖漬橘瓣可以一次品嚐。而作為所有格蘭傑酒款的基底風味,其他的水果芬芳,包括蜜桃、油桃、梅子和香瓜,也一併展現出來。這是我們榮獲眾多獎項肯定且令人陶醉的私藏系列中的第七款年度佳作,格蘭傑Milsean,以其令人讚嘆的糖果小鋪甜蜜氣息,或許將是全系列酒款中最迷人的一支。香氣: 濃郁的芳香、甜美,辛香料調性帶著蔗糖、熟透的水果以及檸檬與乳脂軟糖雪酪的風味。加水後,更多糖果的甜美風味出現,帶著奔放的甜美與奶油椰子。口感: 甜美的糖果風味包括鮮艷的梅果、糖漬橙皮、櫻桃、當歸蜜餞,緊接著有更多水果調性浮現如水蜜桃、桃子、李子以及甜瓜。尾韻: 尾韻悠長並總是有甘甜的感覺襯托,辛香料調性伴隨著薑、棕色砂糖、似帶甜味的菸草味以及蛋糕風味。全然的美味,豐盛甜蜜讓人想一再品嚐… Glenmorangie Milsean is the seventh release from their very popular Private Edition range (following on from last year’s Tùsail). Th

  • Sale!


    Original price was: $600.0.Current price is: $520.0.

    產地 蘇格蘭容量 700 (ML)規格 單瓶 產品說明歷史最悠久的單一穀物蘇格蘭威士忌釀酒廠-卡梅隆橋釀製。足球明星貝克漢親手參與製作打造而成,香醇順口,清新灑脫的風味帶有奶油糖與太妃糖的香味。飲法多變化,不論純飲、加冰、調酒或是搭配食物品酩都是很好的選擇。

  • Sale!

    Hennessy VSOP 軒尼詩VSOP 70CL

    Original price was: $680.0.Current price is: $550.0.

    軒尼詩VSOP法國干邑白蘭地 (Hennessy VSOP French Cognac/Brandy)帶有香草、丁香和肉桂馥郁香氣及散發橡木桶陳釀熟成的烘烤淡香。 強勁與柔順的自然平衡,讓成熟與活力合為一體,透過新鮮的果味使酒體圓柔。60種生命之水所調和成的軒尼詩VSOP,其餘韻悠長的表現,正是卓越干邑的最佳見證。 國家: 法國Cognac 酒精濃度: 40% 容量: 70cl 類別: 白蘭地 『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』 “Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

  • Sale!

    Highland Park 12 Years Old Single Malt

    Original price was: $528.0.Current price is: $450.0.

    蘇格蘭 高原騎士12年 單一麥芽威士忌 700ml 產地:蘇格蘭 奧克尼 酒廠:Highland Park 容量:700ml 酒精濃度:40%

  • Sale!

    Highland Park 18 Years Old Single Malt

    Original price was: $1,580.0.Current price is: $1,350.0.

    HIGHLAND PARK 18 YEAR OLD Viking Pride70cl / 43%Island Single Malt Scotch WhiskyThe 2017 relaunch of one of our all-time favourites, this has to be one of the most consistently excellent malt whiskies of the past 10 years. Showered with awards and praise from all quarters, it was named as ‘Best Spirit in the World’…

  • Sale!

    Highland Park Valfather 700ml

    Original price was: $1,080.0.Current price is: $880.0.

    容量 (VOL):700ml 酒精濃度 (ABV):40.5% 產地 (Region): Scotland

  • Sale!


    Original price was: $1,400.0.Current price is: $1,150.0.

    產地 蘇格蘭容量 1000 (ML)規格 單瓶年份 18 產品說明私家配方調和式威士忌。現代且具獨特煙燻調和口感是此款威士忌特色。口感反映了深沉香甜又高雅的Speyside風格。富含水果香氣、麥芽穀片、濃郁滑順的香草味、香氣逼人的杏仁和柑橘和清淡優雅的焦香味,至今最滑順口感最複雜的頂級優質調和威士忌。

  • Sale!

    Lagavulin 12 Year Old (Special Release 2015)

    Original price was: $1,700.0.Current price is: $1,338.0.

    Lagavulin 12YO 2015 Bottling Note (70cl, 56.8%)The least expensive of the 2015 Diageo Special Releases (as the unpeated Caol Ila was a 17 year old), the 12 year old is now a staple and a firm whisky fan favourite, this being the thirteenth release in the series. Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of…

  • Sale!

    Lagavulin 16 Year Old 700ml

    Original price was: $970.0.Current price is: $768.0.

    顏色:深琥珀金色口感:口腔滿盈輕柔的泥煤煙燻味,但同時擁有鮮明的甜味,隨之而來的是海水的鹹味,帶點微弱的橡木桶氣息。香氣:直接撲鼻而來的是泥煤煙燻味,伴隨著碘酒、海藻,以及濃烈的甜味。尾韻:悠長的尾韻,優雅細緻的泥煤氣息,伴隨著大量海鹽及海藻的氣味。 得獎記錄:‧ 國際威士忌大獎賽金牌: 2 0 1 5 International Whisky Competition 13~17年最佳單一麥芽威士忌‧ 國際威士忌大獎賽金牌: 2 0 1 5 International Whisky Competition 最佳泥煤威士忌‧ 國際威士忌大獎賽銀牌: 2 0 1 5 International Whisky Competition 最佳艾雷島單一麥芽威士忌‧ 威士忌聖經金牌:2014 Whisky Bible Liquid Gold Award 黃金液體大獎‧ 蘇格蘭威士忌大師評比特選:2013 The Scotch Whisky Masters 13~17年最佳艾雷島單一麥芽威士忌‧ 蘇格蘭威士忌大師評比特選:2014 The Scotch Whisky Masters 13~17年最佳艾雷島單一麥芽威士忌‧ 國際烈酒競賽金牌:2013 International Spirits Challenge 最佳艾雷島單一麥芽威士忌‧ 國際烈酒競賽金牌:2014 International…

  • Sale!

    Lagavulin Distillers’ Edition 1993

    Original price was: $3,580.0.Current price is: $2,880.0.

    Last year Lagavulin released a 16-year-old special edition whisky and this year (2009) it’s continuing the cycle, offering a single malt double-matured in Pedro Ximinez sherry wood casks. This is a smoother whisky than last year’s phenolic monster, more delicate while still carrying plenty of briny, peaty notes that Lagavulin is so well-known for. The…

  • Sale!

    Laphroaig 25 Year Old 2014 Cask Strength Edition

    Original price was: $6,388.0.Current price is: $5,688.0.

    An exceptional 2014 release from Laphroaig, this superb Islay single malt has been matured for 25 years in a combination of first-fill Oloroso Sherry casks and ex-American bourbon barrels, then bottled at cask strength.

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    Laphroaig PX Cask Triple Matured 1L 48%

    Original price was: $1,480.0.Current price is: $1,080.0.

    The Laphroaig PX Cask is made with whisky matured in three types of cask – American oak casks, Quarter casks and the titular Pedro Ximénez casks. This leads to a flavour profile which ties together classic, powerful Laphroaig smoke and wine-like sweetness.